Ndue Gjomarkaj’s personal library contains many documents, correspondence and telegrams to and from the nationalists who were participating in the fight against communism, both in Albania and from abroad. They are a window into the sacrifice of these valiant men, an eye witness accounts of the events which were unfolding in Albania between the years of 1945-1955.

Through all their sacrifices we can say for certain that their love of Albania and hope for a free, democratic future in Albania kept them alive.

These telegrams were a constant line of communication while undergoing missions in Albania. They kept the leaders of the BKI informed on all their movements and they all worked together in order to achieve the ultimate goal: freedom.

Telegram No. 808 dated 30.5.1950 – from Nik (aka Kol Cuni)

Telegram No. 90 dated 4.12.1950 – from Alush Lleshanaku

Telegram No, 666 dated 23.3.1955 – from King Zog I